Spring 2017 | Works Done Throughout the Semester
Figure drawing was done mostly in charcoal then later using ink and acrylic paint. Through the course we began by drawing one minute figures that were focused on identifying the spines movement.
Then the professor showed how figures drawn with light not line tend to be more effective and modeled more clearly.
After working with light, we were encouraged to add the background, so the figure is not floating in space. At first I added only a table, but I realized adding the whole room gave them a connection to light sources and angles within the space.
Zooming in to areas of high contrast and interesting flow was an option the instructor opened up once the class worked well with figures as a whole.
For the final we needed to have 3 figures (or pieces of figures) on a 3' by 4' canvas. For my final I explored the idea of sirens. Mermaids are modernly seen as kind and gracious, but they were not always perceived that way. I used the old lore to show mermaids in the light that they have been perceived for centuries before ours. I used the placement of figures and objects to bring the eye around the image because I wanted the story to unfold before the audience in a certain order. From the front mermaid through her hair to the next mermaid, one can tell that they just ate something. The second mermaids hair leads to the severed head, showing the audience that the living thing eaten was a man. The eye is then intended to follow the curve of the boat through the paper and ending on the severed hand. From these last objects, it is seen that the man was on a ship that has crashed, and has perished due to being in mermaid infested waters.